Members in the Media
Our Pediatricians are Honored Members of the Community!
Early Is Everything: The Crisis Of Delayed Care In Pediatric Developmental Health And Autism
February 7, 2024
AAP-Orange County Chapter’s past president, Dr. Sharief Taraman, MD, DABPN, DABPM, FAAP, is CEO of Cognoa, a leading early childhood development and pediatric behavioral health company and shares an article on behalf of the Forbes Tech Council about the importance of providing early, accessible and equitable care which requires an overhaul of the current processes for evaluating developmental delays and early signs of autism.
New York Times Magazine: The Anti-Vaccine Movement’s New Frontier
May 25, 2022
AAP-OC Chapter Past Presidents, Dr. Eric Ball and Dr. Katherine Williamson are featured in the New York Times Magazine article, “The Anti-Vaccine Movement’s New Frontier” discussing that a wave of parents has been radicalized by COVID-era misinformation to reject ordinary childhood immunizations – with potentially lethal consequences.
Can’t Find Baby Formula? Pediatrician Shares the Do’s and Don’ts of Navigating the Shortage
May 19, 2022
Here & Now‘s Lisa Mullins talks to Dr. Kate Williamson, a California pediatrician and spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics, about what parents should and should not do as they weather this crisis.
‘Heartbreaking’ Delays in Autism Diagnosis and Treatment got even Worse During Pandemic
March 28, 2022
AAP-OC Chapter President, Sharief Taraman, MD, FAAP was quoted in a CNN article about the frustrations of parents who have a child with autism and how the pandemic has exacerbated the already difficult process of getting services, even though public awareness of autism and research on autism have grown and insurance coverage for treatment is more widespread.
The Rapid Response Podcast: COVID-19 Vaccine For Children Ages 5-11
November 11, 2021
In this episode of the podcast, our moderator, Dr. Karen Ravin of Nemours Children’s Hospital Delaware, talks with Dr. Eric Ball of CHOC Primary Care Network in Orange County, California about the news around CDC & FDA approval to vaccinate children ages 5-11. They discuss dosage, side effects, misinformation around vaccinating children, pediatric vaccination advocacy, and more.
Trick-Or-Treating Safety: How You Can Have A Fun And Safe Halloween
October 29, 2021
Dr. Katherine Williamson, pediatrician at Providence Mission Hospital in Orange County, explains on CBSLA Channel 2 News how kids and families can have a safe and fun Halloween.
Orange County pediatrician discusses COVID vaccination for kids ages 5 to 11
October 22, 2021
This week the White House released plans detailing how kids ages 5 to 11 will be vaccinated against coronavirus. GDLA welcomed Dr. Katherine Williamson, a pediatrician at Providence Mission Hospital in Orange County and President of the American Academy of Pediatrics Orange County Chapter, to discuss the future roll out.
The Newsworthy Special Edition: Back to School & COVID-19
August 14, 2021
We’re talking about the back-to-school season and the new hurdles students and parents are facing this year. For starters, many kids are entering the new school year at a severe disadvantage. We’ll hear from Dr. Kate Williamson of the American Academy of Pediatrics. She’ll weigh in on what schools and parents can do to keep kids healthy, both physically and mentally, as they enter another school year under threat from COVID-19.
For Parents of Unvaccinated Kids, Worsening Delta Variant Brings Alarm, Questions
July 23, 2021
The Los Angeles Times featured two of the AAP-OC Chapter’s past presidents and current members, Dr. Katherine Williamson and Dr. Eric Ball. Both are pediatricians in the Children’s Health of Orange County Primary Care Network and share about keeping children protected as Delta variant infections increase.
Assessing School Readiness, Updated Fever Guidelines
July 20, 2021
In the debut of Season 2 of the Pediatrics on Call podcast, Marc Lerner, MD, FAAP, past chair of the executive committee of the AAP’s Council on School Health, offers advice on assessing children for school readiness – especially after the pandemic. Hosts David Hill, MD, FAAP, and Joanna Parga-Belinkie, MD, FAAP, also talk to Benard Dreyer, MD, FAAP, co-author of the AAP’s new clinical practice guideline: Evaluation and Management of Well-Appearing Febrile Infants.
Health Care Providers and Their Role Fighting Climate Change
July 2021
The California Association for Nurse Practitioners (CANP) Connections Newsletter featured two of the AAP-OC Chapter’s Environmental Health and Climate Change (EHCC) committee members – the chair of the committee, Marnie Granados, MD and committee member, Olga Guijon, MD. Read about how health professionals are recognizing that climate change is a health issue needing to be addressed and how they are taking the opportunities to do so.
What Parents Need to Know About Vaccinating Children 12 To 15 Years Old
May 12, 2021
Dr. Katherine Williamson of Providence Mission Hospital talked to DeMarco Morgan and Suzanne Marques from CBS2 news about what parents need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine.

COVID-19 Vaccines for Kids and Teens: Kids ages 12-15 can be vaccinated — should they? Some parents are skeptical
May 11, 2021
AAP-OC Chapter Immediate Past President Eric Ball, MD spoke with KCRW News Host Madeline Brand about the FDA emergency use authorization of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for 12-15 year olds.
Pediatric Check-Ups are More Important than Ever
December 26, 2020
The Daily Pilot has featured a commentary by Dr. Ramin Baschshi and AAP-OC Chapter Member, Dr. Reshmi Basu sharing that “one of the most important things parents can do for their children – especially during the vital first few years when they are growing up and developing so quickly – is taking them to a pediatrician regularly for well-child visits.”

Stock Your Medicine Cabinet Like a Pediatrician
September 22, 2020
Hillary Zieve, MD, AAP-OC Chapter’s Member at Large & Young Physician Representative, along with dozens of other doctor moms and dads were asked by Parents Magazine which drugstore items they keep at ready. It’s always helpful – now more than ever – to have the essentials on hand for inevitable injuries and illnesses.
Dr. Zieve’s recommendation? Hydrocortisone 1% “This mild steroid cream can dial down irritation from rashes, eczema, and bug bites—just avoid open wounds. You can also layer petroleum jelly or lotion on top, says Hillary Zieve, MD, a pediatrician at CHOC Children’s Hospital, in Orange, California. And limit use on sensitive areas (face, diaper region) to less than a week. If a rash doesn’t clear up, call your pediatrician.”

Kids’ Vaccination Rates Have Plummeted — Here’s What That Means for the Fall
August 12, 2020
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have tried to safeguard their health by avoiding public areas and non-emergency medical visits. Fearing exposure to the new coronavirus, parents across the country have canceled their children’s checkups over the last few months, causing vaccine rates to plummet. Now, public health officials are focusing on getting kids caught up on vaccines. “Herd immunity is something that keeps our kids safe, and if we can’t rely on it, measles and whooping cough can easily come back. They affect kids much more than COVID,” said Dr. Katherine Williamson, pediatrician at Mission Hospital in Southern California and president of the Orange County chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics.
OC Pediatric COVID-19 Rate Shows Signs of Slowing Down Despite Increase in Cases
August 12, 2020
Dr. Kate Williamson, president of the American Academy of Pediatrics of Orange County and Children’s Hospital of Orange County and Mission Hospital pediatrician, said there’s still an increase in the number of cases, but the rate at which they’re going up may be slowing down. “About half of that number that we’re seeing has only been in a four-week period which is in the last month, so it’s nearly doubled just recently so that shows the rapid increase that we’re seeing even though the numbers still fortunately remain low,” Dr. Williamson said.

Coronavirus Swings Toward Orange County’s Younger Crowd
August 3, 2020
Dr. Kate Williamson was featured in an Orange County Register article regarding her seeing the increased coronavirus spread among teens firsthand. “The 12- to 17-year-old range, that’s what’s ramping up significantly as far as positivity rates as well as them being symptomatic,” she said. But the same general rise can’t yet be said for children, and that could be for a couple of reasons, Williamson said, including teens could be social distancing less than younger kids.
SoCal School Leaders Encouraged by CDC Guidelines for Reopening Schools During Pandemic
July 24, 2020
Dr. Kate Williamson, current president of the AAP-OC Chapter spoke to KCAL9 about school reopenings. The Center for Disease Control released new guidelines on Friday, July 24 for students returning to school during the coronavirus pandemic. “I have seen the negative mental health effects on my patients. I have also seen the physical effects. I’ve seen the rise of obesity in my patients as well,” said pediatrician Dr. Kate Williamson of the long-term time away from school. She said she isn’t surprised that the CDC is pushing for schools to reopen. “The American Academy of Pediatrics has been saying we recognize it’s really important for kids to get back to school as soon as we can, but with safety guidelines” Williamson said.
How the Measles Virus Makes You Susceptible to Other Diseases
February 12, 2020
Dr. Eric Ball was featured on The Doctors to discuss measles and immune amnesia. More than 1,200 cases of the measles have been diagnosed this year and doctors are now saying measles may cause immune amnesia, leaving you more vulnerable to illnesses you may have had before. Dr. Eric Ball shared how your immune system works and what the measles does to undermine how it works. The vaccine does not affect your immune system, in fact, it strengthens it.
Are Baby Formulas from Europe Safer for Your Baby?
November 8, 2019
Some U.S. parents are turning to baby formulas produced in Europe because they believe they are more natural and that they contain higher quality ingredients, but The Doctors warn these formulas are not registered with the FDA and they are entering the country illegally. Pediatrician Dr. Eric Ball shares why this could potentially be dangerous and personal stories of treating babies that have gotten sick or even had seizures from European formulas.

Reflective Tape and Shoes that Fit: Pediatricians offer Halloween Safety Tips
October 30, 2019
Dr. Agran, AAP-OC chapter member shared great tips for parents as they prepare to celebrate Halloween with their children. According to Dr. Agran, the most common Halloween-related injuries are pedestrian accidents. “I want parents to be aware that children should have reflective costumes, cross at crosswalks and make sure cars can see you,” she said. “By the same token, talk to your friends, neighbors, relatives and your homeowners’ association and have them send out warnings to be alert that children are around because it’s Halloween. They may cross the street.”
Dr. Eric Ball on Why Vaccinations are Important for Entire Communities
October 14, 2019
Dr. Eric Ball sat down with the Doctors TV and shared that pediatricians believe in community immunity and there are a lot of people that are not able to get vaccinations, and the way that we protect these vulnerable populations is by the majority of people getting vaccinated.
Dr. Kate Williamson Gives Advice Ahead of Flu Season
September 23, 2019
Dr. Kate Williamson from the Children’s Hospital in Orange County (CHOC) talks with KCAL9 about what to expect this coming flu season.
Dr. Kate Williamson Discusses Vaping on KCAL9 News
September 16, 2019
Current chapter president, Dr. Kate Williamson, was featured on KCAL9 News to discuss the prevalence of vaping among youth. She states, “The amount of vaping I see increasing over the last couple years is incredible. It’s really scary for me as a pediatrician.”

From SiriusXM’s Doctor Radio – Dr. Eric Ball
May 22, 2019
Dr. Eric Ball, a CHOC Children’s pediatrician, appeared on SiriusXM’s Doctor Radio to discuss teens and insomnia, including how much sleep teens need, how puberty affects sleep cycles, and proper sleep hygiene.
Kate Williamson, MD is featured in ACES Connection Article
CA to reimburse for only one of three ACEs screeners
April 2, 2019
California health care providers will soon begin to learn how many of the 13.2 million California children and adults in the state’s MediCal program have been exposed to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). But the state’s proposed decision to reimburse only one of three recommended options for screening children has drawn mixed reactions from pediatricians.
“If we have mandated legislation that only looks at one screening tool, it really limits the opportunity to improve that screening tool over time and it also doesn’t take into consideration that there are a number of tools that are applicable and work really well right now,” said Dr. Kate Williamson, a pediatrician in private practice in Ladera, Calif.

Eric Ball, MD participates in Sacramento press events for the new immunization bill (SB 276)
March 26, 2019
Childhood vaccine exemptions in California would need state OK under new bill
As a surging number of California parents forgo required vaccines for their children because of health concerns, the lawmaker behind the state’s mandatory vaccination law wants to remove the power to grant those exemptions from individual doctors.
Bill would strengthen vaccination laws, checking up on doctors who write exemptions
California legislators introduced a bill Tuesday that would tighten the state’s childhood immunization law, already one of the strictest in the nation. Children in California must be fully vaccinated to attend public or private schools, unless a doctor says they have a medical reason not to have all their shots.
Pan’s Bill Would Further Restrict Vaccine Exemptions for Schoolkids
Wanting to crack down on what he calls fraudulent doctors, a California legislator introduced a bill that would take the power to approve medical exemptions away from doctors and grant it to other health professionals.
Lawmakers hope to crack down on bogus medical vaccination exemptions
SB 276 would require the state Department of Public Health to approve all medical exemptions. The department would also set up a database to track exemptions. The number of medical exemptions has jumped since a state law banned exemptions for personal or religious reasons. Public health officials say some unethical doctors have sold medical exemptions or signed off on them when they weren’t necessary.

Most Toddlers Consuming Adult Level Amounts of Sugar?
March 11, 2019
The Doctors welcome pediatrician Dr. Eric Ball to discuss research which has found that 99 percent of toddlers are consuming more sugar than what is recommended for a healthy adult female. Plus, they detail the possible health side effects excess sugar could pose to children, and how too much of it as a child could lead to numerous health issues as an adult.

‘The Terrible Twos’ – How to Deal with It!
February 26, 2019
The Doctors welcome pediatrician Dr. Katherine Williamson who shares tips on how parents can deal with a child’s “terrible twos” phase.
Phyllis Agran, MD is featured in the Wall Street Journal
The Overprotected American Child
June 1, 2018
‘“Children mature and develop skills at different rates,” says Phyllis F. Agran, a pediatric gastroenterologist in Irvine, Calif., and the co-author of several of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ injury prevention policies. She notes that children with special needs, such as those with ADHD or developmental delays, may take longer to develop the impulse control and skills necessary to do some things independently.’
Eric Ball, MD, FAAP was featured in the National AAP Newsletter
Chapter Leader Link Weekly Newsletter
December 27, 2017
The newsletter states, “We would like to recognize Eric Ball, MD, FAAP, California 4 Chapter President, for his excellence in vaccine advocacy. Dr. Ball was instrumental in implementing California-SB277, a law which removes personal belief exemptions to vaccination requirements for entry to private or public elementary or secondary schools in California, and into child care centers. Dr. Ball’s advocacy efforts were mentioned in the New York Times and National Public Radio. Dr. Ball is also involved in developing two Quality Improvement (QI) projects on improving childhood immunizations rates and improving HPV immunization rates. Great work, Dr. Ball!”

Mohan Kumaratne, MD, FAAP is Recognized for his Recent Publication
December 2017
2016 Ethnic Medical Organization Section’s Annual Physician Leadership Achievement Award
This award recognized Sudeep Kukreja, MD for his contributions toward the health of various ethnic communities, showing great success in eliminating health disparities, addressing access to care, and improving cultural competency and patient advocacy. The purpose of the award is to honor an outstanding physician; inspire other physicians; and to promote leadership, caring and compassion in medicine.
Dev A. GnanaDev Membership Award
California Medical Association’s Dev A. GnanaDev Award is presented to the California Medical Association member physician residing and practicing in California who during the past year demonstrated a special or unique effort towards membership recruitment resulting in membership growth in their area. Through Dr. Sudeep Kukreja’s advocacy, Orange County Medical Association’s (OCMA) membership has grown by close to 300 members. “I feel good that more physicians are learning about the great work that OCMA does and are becoming members,” Dr. Sudeep Kukreja said. “That really means a lot to me.”