COVID-19: Parent Resources
Treating Your Child’s Fever offers great resources on how to treat your child’s fever and what you can do to make them feel better.
A “tripledemic” of respiratory viruses is making it harder to find over-the-counter children’s pain and fever medications in some areas. Try not to panic if stores near you are out of stock. While fever-reducing medicines can make your child more comfortable, they do not cure illness.
Learn more at
COVID-19 and Kids Webinar, Part 1
Parent Webinar on COVID-19 Updates, Part 2
Zoom recording from Thursday, December 9, 2021 when the AAP-OC Chapter hosted local health experts who answered your questions regarding the newly approved Pfizer, COVID-19 Vaccine for children ages 5 to 11.
Ask the Experts: COVID, Kids and Schools
Zoom recording from Wednesday, October 6, 2021 when OC Families in Action held a conversation with medical experts and scientists to answer questions, share evidence-based data, and provide science-based guidance on how we can keep our children safe during this global health crisis.
Protect The Ones You Love
Proteja A Quienes Ama
The vaccine is free to everyone ages 5 and up. Safe, free, effective COVID-19 vaccines are available to you regardless of immigration or insurance.
This English version of this video is available with Farsi, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Spanish and Korean subtitles.
How mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Were Developed & How They Work
Scientists have been developing the technology for messenger RNA vaccines for over 30 years. Learn how mRNA vaccines work like invisible coaches to teach your child’s immune system to recognize the virus.
FAQ COVID-19 Vaccine for Kids (Updated June 2022): English | Spanish | Vietnamese | Korean | Chinese
COVID-19 Vaccine Timing By Age
Know Your Health Care Rights: COVID-19 Testing | COVID-19 Vaccines
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia: 3 Considerations for COVID-19 Vaccination of 5- to 11-year-old Children
Parents that Vax: Voices for Vaccines
The Science Behind the COVID-19 Vaccine: Parent FAQs –
Does the COVID-19 vaccine cause myocarditis? –
Long-Haul COVID in Children and Teens
CHOC COVID-19 Vaccines for Children and Teens
Healthy | en Español
Religion & the COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheet
Pregnancy & the COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheet
CHOC Nurse Line: 1-844-GET-CHOC
Available 24/7 to answer your questions about COVID-19 and your child
CHOC Coronavirus (COVID-19): A Resource for Parents
Coronavirus: A Book for Children (Free)
Coronavirus Story for Kids English | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese
The Newsworthy Special Edition: Back to School & COVID-19
Kids are Heading Back to the Classroom. What are the Potential Risks and Rewards of In-Person Instruction?
EdTech and Screen Time During COVID-19
If you have lost your insurance, the Community Health Initiative of Orange County can help you find coverage and a healthcare provider over the phone. Just call 1-855-927-8333.